April 2014 Content Archive
Bowling Tips and Techniques Articles
Resistance: The Other 25%
Understanding ball motion from the perspective of friction and resistance
By Rob Mautner

I’ve long been a believer in the K.I.S.S. Principle (Keep it simple, stupid!). Last year, I compared the four elements of a ball to a vehicle. The core of the ball is like the engine, the cover material the profile....
Testing Pre-Shot and Post-Shot Routine Effectiveness – Part 1
Do they work?
By Chris Mesagno

In one of the first articles I wrote for BTM (August 2011), I argued that different types of psychological or behavioral routines may influence and promote better decision making in competition. I speculated that better accuracy and higher scores would...
TOPS 3: Tiered Oval Process – Version 3
By Joe Slowinski

From my perspective, coaches must constantly strive to improve their skill and knowledge. If this evolutionary effort ceases, a coach will begin the progressively backward slide into mediocrity that I see too often. I take the obligation and responsibility of...
What to Do in Your Spare Time…
Getting back to the basics with improved spare shooting
By Tyrel Rose

For my Bowling This Month reincarnation debut, I had several ideas go through my head for a topic. In the end, what better way to get started than to get back to basics. Like the first practice after several months...
Work the Inside of the Ball or Stay Behind It? Part 1
Sometimes the outside of the ball can help you match up
By Ron Clifton

For years coaches have been preaching to bowlers to work the inside of the ball and to stay behind it. "Let’s work that wrist, let’s cock it, cup it, and unwind it all at the bottom of the swing to...
Bowling Ball Reviews

Columbia 300 Disorder
The Disorder is the latest ball in the mid-price performance line for Columbia 300. This ball takes the Resurgence core and surrounds it with the Bend It Hybrid coverstock. This...

Columbia 300 Eruption Pro
The Eruption Pro uses the brand new CR300 coverstock. The Emergency Orange color leaves no doubt as to what ball is going down the lane. The core shape is the...

Ebonite Legacy
The Ebonite Legacy can be seen as an updated version of the Total NV. This ball takes the Total NV core and uses an updated hybrid formulation of the XL2010...

Ebonite Pivot Point
The Ebonite Pivot Point is the ball that will give bowlers the skid/flip motion in the Ebonite product line. We started with this ball on our medium test pattern. All...

Hammer Amp Up
The Hammer Amp Up is the follow-up release to the Amp. This time, the Power Shot core is wrapped with a pearlized coverstock named Overdrive Pearl. The extra length and...

Motiv Covert Revolt
The Covert Revolt is the newest high performance ball for Motiv. This ball utilizes a brand new core shape for Motiv called Vanquish. This core is a lower RG and...

Motiv Venom Shock
The new Motiv Venom Shock takes the proven Gear core and combines it with a new solid coverstock. The MFS (Medium Friction Solid) cover is a step down from the...

Track Hx05
The Hx05 is the new mid price release from Track. This ball is the first to use a new naming system. It is the first ball that carries the “H”...

Track Lx16
The Lx16 is the high performance ball for Track in this latest series of ball releases. Under Track's new naming system, the “L” balls will be aimed at lower rev...

Track Mx10
The Mx10 is the first in the new “M” series of balls produced by Track marketed towards bowlers with medium rev rates. The Mx10 uses a new hybrid coverstock that...

Visionary Samurai
The Visionary Samurai uses the React-A-Tack pearlized coverstock that comes out of the box at a 1500 grit polished finish and features Visionary's Classic core. This polished bowling ball packs...