A Five-Step Approach for Improving Anything

Bowling, health, and everything in between

A Five-Step Approach for Improving Anything

There are plenty of strategies that you can implement to make your life—and bowling game—better. This article presents a five-step process that you can use for improving just about anything. After learning these five steps and practicing each of them over... [Read More]

Health Coaching FAQs – Part 2

Diet versus exercise, keys to motivation, and intermittent fasting

Health Coaching FAQs - Part 2

Welcome back to my Health Coaching FAQs series! My primary aim for this article is to provide a bit more clarity to three more common nutrition and health-related topics. There is a lot of information and misinformation out there about... [Read More]

Health Coaching FAQs – Part 1

Good habits for weight loss and fueling yourself for competition

Health Coaching FAQs - Part 1

As a Registered Dietitian and Certified Health Coach, I am often asked several of the same questions on a daily basis. I especially get these questions from bowlers, since you are my primary clientele. I thought it would be a... [Read More]

Shifting to a Mindset of Control

Improving performance by doing what you can

Shifting to a mindset of control header

When it comes to bowling at a high level, your mindset will have a significant influence on your success. For many bowlers, it can come down to understanding the difference between what's in your control and then doing something about... [Read More]

Preparing for Tournament Season

Perspectives from a PWBA athlete

Preparing for Tournament Season

Competitive bowlers of all levels usually have a "tournament season" to prepare for. With this in mind, I wanted to share some of my strategies for preparing for the PWBA Tour season and discuss how you can use some of... [Read More]

Sticky Resolutions

A process for achieving your goals

Sticky Resolutions

Studies have shown that less than 25% of people stay committed to their goals after just 30 days, and only 8% actually accomplish them.1 Well, it's February. Which group are you in right now? Which group will you be in... [Read More]

Mindful Eating for the Holidays

Discipline off the lanes promotes discipline on the lanes

Mindful Eating for the Holidays

With the holidays right around the corner, it's the time for a lot of us to enjoy some time off work and some really good food. Because of this, I have many clients and potential clients who have said that... [Read More]

Improving Your Habits Off the Lanes

Four keys to better health

Improving Your Habits Off the Lanes

I’m often asked, “How do you get and stay healthy in this fast-paced world of drive-thrus, processed fast-food, and convenient food delivery?” My response to this question is usually, jokingly, “Is that all?” We actually make hundreds of food choices... [Read More]