Training Recommendations for Younger Individuals

Building the foundation for an injury-free bowling career

Training Recommendations for Younger Individuals

In my last article, I discussed training recommendations for older bowlers. This month, I want to address what the younger bowlers should be focusing on off the lanes. In the last few years, I have noticed an alarming number of... [Read More]

Will Upper Body Strength Training Ruin My Swing?

The importance of shoulder mobility training for bowlers

Will Upper Body Strength Training Ruin My Swing?

Often when I recommend resistance training to bowlers, they mention their fear of ruining their swings from lifting weights. It seems to me that there are quite a few bowlers out there that have gone on a fitness binge and... [Read More]

Improving Your Finish at the Line

Exercises to improve lower body strength, stability, and power


The game of bowling has evolved over the years. Many of today's professionals and advanced coaches will tell you that players with power have become among the elite and most difficult to beat. Developing more leverage and power in your... [Read More]

How To Properly Recover From Your Workouts

It’s not how hard you train, but how well you recover!

How To Properly Recover From Your Workouts

In the last few years, there has been significant growth in the number of fitness trends from new apps to new diets as well as programs like CrossFit, P90x, Insanity, and BeachBody. It has been great to see a boom... [Read More]

What is the Cause of Your Back Pain?

A survey of common causes and possible remedies

What is the Cause of Your Back Pain?

One of the most common complaints I hear from the average bowler during leagues and tournaments is about ongoing back pain. The reason back pain is so common is that it can be caused by issues in multiple areas of... [Read More]

To Cardio or Not to Cardio…

The role of cardio for bowlers

To Cardio or Not to Cardio...

I get a lot of questions from bowlers about cardiovascular exercise. “How much cardio should I be doing?” or “How much cardio is too much?” are both common variations that are frequently asked. The word "cardio" actually makes me cringe.... [Read More]

Functional Strength Training For Bowlers

What it is and why it's important

Functional Strength Training for Bowlers

Maybe you've been wanting to get back in shape and have a healthier lifestyle. Or, maybe you've read the benefits that training can have for a bowler and want to start up a regimen. Whether it’s related to performance, health,... [Read More]