The PWBA Round Table: Physical and Mental Toughness

Featuring Maria Jose Rodriguez, Diandra Asbaty, and Danielle McEwan

The PWBA Round Table: Physical and Mental Toughness

If you watched the recent telecast of the USBC Queens, you probably saw eventual champion Bernice Lim occupied by a Rubik's Cube between shots. When interviewed after her win, she was asked about it. She said it keeps her mind... [Read More]

The PWBA Round Table: Bowling Ball Selection and Matching Up

Featuring Carolyn Dorin-Ballard, Bryanna Cote, Elise Bolton, and Heather D'Errico

PWBA Round Table: Bowling Ball Selection and Matching Up

In this month's round table discussion, our focuses are bowling equipment selection and matching up to different conditions. First, I asked three PWBA players how they decide what bowling balls to take to tournaments. We then discussed what changes they... [Read More]

Reducing Your Knee Pain – Part 2

Strengthening the posterior chain

Reducing Your Knee Pain - Part 2

In Reducing Your Knee Pain - Part 1, I explained that many knee problems stem from the joint below the knee (ankle) or the joint above the knee (hips). This theory, combined with an understanding of ground reaction forces, helps... [Read More]

Reducing Your Knee Pain – Part 1

Improving hip stability

Reducing Your Knee Pain - Part 1: Improving hip stability

Out of all the possible injuries experienced by bowlers, I feel that the most common type are knee injuries. From young adults to older adults across the board, it is fairly common in our sport to see someone wearing a... [Read More]