Bowling Ball Balance Hole Fundamentals

The basics, some examples, and recommended best practices

Balance Hole Fundamentals

Let’s start with a quick question: Have you ever heard a fellow bowler say any of the following statements? “I just don’t like balls with balance holes. They don’t roll well for me.” “I’m going to have a weight hole... [Read More]

No “I” in Team

Managing expectations to improve your mental game

No "I" in Team

Now that we've discussed various lane play adjustments that you are hopefully practicing as often as possible, I would like to talk about the mental game aspect of team and league bowling. Much has already been written about the importance of the mental... [Read More]

The Bowling Trinity Revisited – Part 2

The physical skill set

The Bowling Trinity Revisited - Part 2

Last time, I reviewed some of the basic changes in my approach to the Bowling Trinity, which represent the physical, mental, and tactical aspects of the sport of bowling. Plenty has changed in each area since I first wrote about... [Read More]

The Five Cs to Better Bowling

The Five Cs to Better Bowling

Getting five Cs on your high school report card says that you are a pretty average student. Mastering the five Cs of bowling, however, puts you at the top of the class! Please note that the five Cs are related,... [Read More]

Bowling’s Golden Rules – Part 3

Shot repetition is an art form

Bowling's Golden Rules - Part 3

In the two previous articles, we’ve discussed the importance of having a good fit to your bowling ball and what makes good ball motion, as well as its effect on your potential to score. Now let’s move on to bowling's... [Read More]

Hammer The Sauce

Hammer The Sauce

The Sauce is another updated version of a familiar name from Hammer's past. This new release uses the Aggression CFI Solid coverstock from the recently-discontinued Rip’D Solid. Its box finish is 500/2000 Abralon, giving The Sauce easy traction through the... [Read More]

A Guide to Managing Ball Surface

Techniques, general guidelines, and real-world applications

A Guide to Managing Ball Surface

A few years ago, I wrote Bowling Ball Surface Management, where I covered some basic rules and techniques for adjusting ball surface. This time around, in keeping with my recent series of adjustment-focused articles, I wanted to dig a little... [Read More]

Improving Your Habits Off the Lanes

Four keys to better health

Improving Your Habits Off the Lanes

I’m often asked, “How do you get and stay healthy in this fast-paced world of drive-thrus, processed fast-food, and convenient food delivery?” My response to this question is usually, jokingly, “Is that all?” We actually make hundreds of food choices... [Read More]

Lane Play Fundamentals for Better Ball Reaction

Angle changes and parallel moves

Lane Play Fundamentals for Better Ball Reaction

Over my last three articles, we’ve covered three of the physical adjustments that a bowler can make to alter their ball motion: axis control, ball speed, and loft. However, the most common adjustments—and the first ones we learn as bowlers—are... [Read More]